The seed of MyPurpleLady was planted by a young midwestern boy with a bold dream. Shane Mauss, now a successful comedian and science communicator, wished to bring more than just laughter to his shows; he also wanted to offer his audience an experience. The quest led him to search the globe for psychoactive plants that were not only potent but also unregulated. Among these, blue lotus emerged as his favorite, capturing his heart with its soft euphoria and undeniable femininity.

Suzy Baker, his co-founder, recognized the importance of honoring feminine energy and incorporating it into the brand. She saw it as an opportunity to pay tribute to the mystical Purple Lady, a figure of empowerment and freedom that had inspired them from the start. Together, they envisioned a brand that would do more than sell plant-based alternatives to alcohol; it would pay tribute to what the Purple Lady represents – the strength, resilience, and spirit of the feminine.

The Purple Lady, more than just a muse, represents the collective journey of breaking free from societal cages. She is the spirit behind every product we create, a reminder of the playful defiance and majestic strength inherent in all of us. MyPurpleLady is not just a nod to her legacy; it is a celebration of the unyielding power of femininity, and a call to all who seek to live freely, laugh heartily, and embrace the subtle magic of our world.